Humidification Plant
Manual Plant
Supply Air Plant
- Fresh Air Dampers
- Axial Fans
- Air Straightening Louvers
- Air Washer
- Mist Eliminator
- Supply Duct
- Diffusers
- Air Tight Doors
Exhaust Air Plant
- Grills
- Exhaust Trenches
- Exhaust Air Filter
- Axial Fans
- Exhaust Air & Return Air Dampers
- Air Tight Doors
It is ideal for usage as a dedicated outdoor air system for process cooling as well as comfort cooling
In the first stage the system uses indirect evaporative heat transfer to cool down the incoming air. It consists of a working air stream and a supply air stream.
The warm and moist working air stream is vented out to the atmosphere and the cold supply air stream can be used for process/comfort cooling. In case of additional cooling/RH requirements, the system can be fitted with an optional second stage in which the cold supply air from the first stage is further cooled and humidified using evaporative cooling

Fresh Air, Exhaust Air & Return Air Dampers
The function of the damper is to adjust the air volume blown / sucked by the axial fans so that the desired room conditions are maintained. The Dampers are generally made of Aluminum Aerofoil profiles or using GI sheets.

Air Straitening Louvers
The function of the air straightening louvers is to straighten the air blown / reduce the air turbulence created, by the axial fans before entering the air washer chamber.

Axial Fans
The function of the axial fans is to blow / suck the air into / from the departments so that the desired number of air changes is maintained.

Air Washer
The function of the air washer is to impregnate enough moisture to the fresh air / re-circulated air before being supplied into the department by spraying water / high pressure fog system.

Mist Eliminator
The function of the mist eliminator is to eliminate excess amount of water carried by the air passing through the air washer chamber before being fed into the department.

Supply Duct & Diffuser
The function of the supply duct and diffusers is to diffuse humid air evenly to the entire area of the department.

Grills & Exhaust Trenches
The function of the grills is to suck the heat produced by working of the machines along with fly liberated in the spinning process from the department through suitable underground trenches.

Rotary Drum Filter
Rotary drum filter has rotating drum fabricated of punched sheets and the punched sheet is covered by Filter media to extract the waste and fine dust which is sucked from the department. The dust deposited on the filter media is continuously collected by a set of traversing nozzles.

Stationary Drum Filter
The stationary drum filter has round flange on suitable frame work and can be bolted directly to a wall opening / prefabricated PUF panel enclosure. The dust laden air from the department flows from the inside to the outside through the filter media. This means that the air inside the filter room is clean. A set of rotating and traversing suction nozzles on the inside of the filter media drum continuously sucks the dust and short fibers from the filter media.

Exhaust Air Filter
The types of Exhaust air filters are:
- “V” Filter (VF)
- Disc Filter (DF)
- Rotary Drum Filter (RDF)
- Stationary Drum Filter (SDF)
- Multi-drum Filter (MDF)

“V” Filter
“V” Filter is fitted in the exhaust air filter room and generally has nylon / SS mesh. The waste generated in the spinning process is collected on the wire mesh and the same has to be manually cleaned periodically.

Disc Filter
Disc Filter is fitted in the exhaust air filter room and generally has SS mesh fitted on a round disc with a nozzle arrangement and transport fan so that the accumulated waste on the mesh is removed continuously..

Air Tight Doors
Air tight doors are provided in the supply / exhaust air plants for avoiding mix up of humid air with atmospheric air and for manual entry for maintenance activities in the plant.
Semi Automatic Plant
In addition to the manual plant a Temperature & RH % Sensor is provided with a air washer pump “ON” / “OFF” controller so that the pump is switched off when the set RH% has reached inside the department.
Fully Automatic Plant
In addition to the Semi Automatic plant individual dampers are provided with actuators and suitable controllers for fine adjustment of intake and output air volumes depending on the inside and outside conditions. This system can also be supplied with central monitoring system for ease of adjustments.